NHRCT Asked Related Agencies to Perform the Detention of Arrestees and Detainees under the provisions of the Constitution

15/12/2015 1160

Press Release
NHRCT Asked Related Agencies to Perform the Detention of Arrestees and Detainees under the provisions of the Constitution

               On 15th December 2015, Mr. What Tingsamitr, NHRCT Chairperson gave the interview on the occasion of the Human Rights Day (10th December) about the detention of arrestees and detainees. According to the arrests of Mr. Thanakorn Siriphaibun, on 8th December 2015  and Mr. Thanet Anantawong, on 13th December 2015, which were followed by the request for remand of Mr. Siriphaibun submitted to the court on 14th December 2015, Mr. Siriphaibun is now detained at the Bangkok Remand Prison but the location where Mr. Anantawong is now detained is still unclear.

               The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) has closely followed both cases with concerns. To protect human rights of individuals, NHRCT expressed its opinions on such situations as follows:

               1. The detail of location for custody or detention or imprisonment should be disclosed to the public or informed to relatives of detainees or prisoners without delay in order that their relatives will be able to visit them at the appropriate prescribed time according to the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (interim) B.E. 2557 (2014) and Article 4 of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPED) in which Thailand has already signed.

              2. In case where a detainee receives the medical treatment, there must be certain that such detainee will continuously receive the medical treatment under a physician’s plan until a well recovery.

               All this, NHRCT would like to ask related agencies to perform their duties under the provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand and international obligations on human rights in order to create mutual understanding and prevent widespread conflicts in the society. NHRCT will closely and continuously keep following the situation.

 National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
15th December 2015


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