Promoting Female Commissioned Police Officers to be a Superintendent of the Police Station

05/04/2016 841

               According to the case of the Royal Thai Police by the Metropolitan Police Bureau having an idea to promote and appoint female commissioned police officers to have the position of superintendent of police stations in the metropolitan area by considering the significance of capability, equality, opportunity and gender equality, Mrs. Angkhana Neelapaijit, NHRCT Commissioner, as the Chairperson of the Sub-Commission on Women’s Rights, said that the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has roles and duties to promote the respect and implementation under the principle of human rights. Personally, Mrs. Neelapaijit deemed that this is the opportunity for female commissioned police officers with the level of superintendent to hold the position of superintendent of the police station. A new norm of gender equality will be established in Thai society and this will in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs:  Article 5.5 “Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life..”, which is under the awareness of government. For this, all sectors should prioritize and implement things under the expectation of the NHRCT as follows:

               1. The Royal Thai Police and other government agencies should not take any action which is a kind of discrimination to women based on the sexuality. Opportunities should be provided to women who have capability and proper qualification matching the criteria for the advanced position. This will lead to the society with impartiality, fairness and equality between genders.  

               2. The Royal Thai Police should prescribe rules, regulations or any other appropriate measure to guarantee the advancement and the career path for all levels. All this, it is considered as the compliance of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in which Thailand is a state party. Moreover, this is the creation of opportunity for female police officers in the career and self-development and the reflection of capability to the top of career path.      

 Mrs. Angkhana Neelapaijit
NHRCT Commissioner
Chairperson of the Sub-Commission on Women’s Rights
5th April 2016


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