Civil Rights: case on investigation process on women and transgender, based on international standards.

27/04/2016 837

           According to Mrs. Angkhana Nilaphaichit, National Human Rights commissioner, as Chair of the Subcommittee on Civil rights and Chair of the Sub-Committee on women's Rights, under the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), with a Board members, had joined the meeting with Mr. Chanchao Chaiyanukit, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice and the staff from the Departments under the Ministry of Justice.
They had discussed on civil rights issues such as obligations towards persons or prisoners, women and transgender groups, the access to justice of the specific group, the progress of the draft on Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Forced Disappearance Act, B.E. ...... , the Ratification of the Convention, the following of the recommendations of the Committee against torture, Taking care of prisoners in accordance with international standards, the definition of political prisoners and prisoners of ideas, which took place at the meeting room 2, 8th floor, Ministry of justice in the government complex on 26th April B.E. 2559.

           Mrs. Angkhana said that the official message from the consultations is a great vision of Justice Ministry, which is responsible for primary care coverage of promotion and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The Ministry has considered the principles of human rights in the operation. Furthermore, on the access to justice and protection of the human dignity of women, the Criminal Court had allocated a budget and organized the appropriate area for women while awaiting bail, including the attempted of the Ministry of Justice to supervise the control of inmates in prisons, in accordance with Rules Bangkok, and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatments of Prisoners - Mandela Rules. In addition, the Ministry of justice efforts are also operated in the control of people to be resolved, to change behavior, rather than revenge.

           "In the investigation, which invade privacy, strip search and crevices of the body. Authorities must act in a manner that respects to the dignity of those being searched, including the proportionality and legality as necessary only” Mrs. Angkhana Nilaphaichit said.


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