Car bomb case at Southern view Hotel in Pattani.

25/08/2016 1157

Press releases:
Car bomb case at Southern view Hotel in Pattani.

          The relevant government official told that the terrorists intended to life by using the vehicles of Pagaharung sub-district hospital, Rusamilae district in Pattani, to make the car bomb at Southern view Hotel in Pattani. The car was stolen one hour before the action. The military has already detained the driver of the hospital for the investigation.
          It occurred on 23rd August B.E. 2559 at 10.50 pm., by the unknown number of terrorists. There was one woman found dead, 15 heavy injure and 14 wounded. They were women and children, both Buddhist and Muslim.
          The National Human Rights Commission strongly condemned the cruel and inhumane of the terrorists and ask all sectors to consider and follow these guidelines:
          1. Strongly condemn the acts of the violence and cruelty that abuse human rights and humanity, which is the universal principle that all parties must be adhered. All of the loss of life are innocent people and children. The National Human Rights Commission sincerely regret to the relatives of the dead person and those who are injured in the violence.
          2. Call for the cooperation of people and all parties in the community to help each other to spot and prevent all dangers that may affect the life in the community from the insurgents in the area and jointly find solutions and guidelines to live together in peace.

 Mr. What Tingsamitr
Chair of the National Human Rights Commission
25th august 2016


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