Mr. What Tingsamitr, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, has delivered his speech to the GANHRI General Meeting Session I : Business and Human Rights on March 7, 2017 at Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.

08/03/2017 1145

             The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand would like to share its experience with regard to business and human rights.
             The Commission has made the issue of business and human rights a priority area of its current strategic plan. We want to promote knowledge and understanding of the UN Guiding Principles widely among business companies. To achieve this objective, we plan to organize a big seminar on May 29 - 30, 2017 with cooperation with members of UN Global Compact network in Thailand, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UNDP regional office for Asia-Pacific.
             Although the seminar will focus on driving forward the implementation of UNDPs at national level, we will devote one or two sessions to allow for exchange of experiences of implementing UNGPs in countries in Southeast Asia. We will invite representatives of CSR network in Southeast Asia and of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commissions on Human Rights ( AICHR) to participate to offer their views on how the agenda of business and human rights can be taken forward at sub – regional in Southeast Asia. We also had discussion with Danish Institute for Human Rights on how it can help support us in this effort given the Institute’s expertise and extensive experience working with various NHRIs on the issue.
             We hope that the exchanges at the seminar would help encourage discussion and possible cooperation on the issue of business and human rights at regional level.


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