Cabinet and the Parliament urged to accelerate the enactment of the Torture and Enforced Disappearance Prevention and Suppression Act, to ratify the CED and to provide remedy to Billy’s family

11/09/2019 875

            On 4 September 2019, Mrs. Prakairatana Thontiravong, National Human Rights Commissioner as Acting Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) expressed her appreciation to the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) for their efforts together with other institutions discovered evidences linking to the death of Mr. Porlajee Rakchongcharoen or Billy, the disappeared Karen community leader at Ban Pong Luk, Bang Kloi. The Commissioner gave her condolences and moral support to Mr. Rakchongcharoen's family, and encourages DSI to bring the perpetrators to justice soon.           
            The NHRCT urged the government to enact the draft law to prevent and suppress torture and enforced disappearance as it is significant to protect the rights and liberties of the people and to solve the problematic justice system, Mrs. Thontiravong said. In January 2019, the NHRCT proposed recommendations on the draft law to the Cabinet and the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) to ensure that it would comply with the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) to which Thailand is party. It included the liability of superiors involving or knowing the wrongdoings of subordinates.           
            The Commissioner called upon the Cabinet and the Parliament to expedite the process to enact the legislation i.e. the draft Act on Torture and Enforced Disappearance Prevention and Suppression and also stressed that it must be in compliance with the international standards. She also proposed that Thailand should then ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED) in order to express the will to guarantee people’s rights accorded by the Constitution and international human rights obligations. 
            Finally, the Commissioner recommended the agencies concerned to provide Mr. Rakchongcharoen’s family with remedy and reparation, and to protect them from threats and intimidation. These will reassure the general public that the justice system shall adhere to the rule of law .


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