The NHRCT’s Chairperson points out the government to screen infected COVID-19 persons using the rapid test kit besides social distancing.

03/04/2020 824

            Recently Mr. What Tingsamitr, the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT), has given a newspaper an interview regarding the latest NHRCT’s operating methods and in the outbreak emergency situation of Corona Virus Disease 2019 or COVID-19, an easily contagious disease thus resulting in deadliness to infected persons while there is now no vaccine or specific drug treatment.
            “There are two NHRCT’s mandates, namely promotion and protection of human rights, to bridge the government and the public to understand and live peacefully in the global society”, Mr. What said, 
            Latter, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha upon the Cabinet’s approval announced the State Emergency in all over the country for a period of 26 March to 30 April 2020 together with imposing several orders, rules and regulations to immediately resolve the outbreak situation. 
            Resolving the epidemic of new Corona Virus Disease emerging by the end of 2019 is able to achieve unless the government receives public cooperation from the people having awareness of sharing social responsibility.  However, this phenomenon will be occurred when there are two factors.
            1. The government and relevant organizations truly provide the knowledge of the disease causing people to monitor themselves and maintain their social distancing at least one meter as well as not staying close to either those closest or associate.
            2. The government and relevant organizations should facilitate at first an access of screening to the patients who are able to request a virus examination and receive medical treatment with no charge, especially using a Rapid Test Kit for virus screening at a low expense. If the patient requests a virus test and is denied, its outcome will be probably worse than carrying out a virus test when it is compared to the loss of government expenses in medical treatment of the infected patients due to the absence of screening at first and thus leading to unaware transmission of the disease”, the Chairperson of the NHRCT finally said.


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