The Chairperson of the NHRCT reiterates that the youth groups can exercise the right to peaceful assembly and will closely monitor the situation

06/08/2020 812

            Mr. What Tingsamitr, the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT), expressed the NHRCT concerns over the situations, since mid- July 2020, where the youth groups organized demonstrations in Bangkok and provinces to express their political views and demand actions from the government. This also included different political views among youth groups and the NHRCT has assigned staff members to closely observe and monitor the demonstrations.
            Out of the concern, the NHRCT recommends the youth groups organize unarmed and peaceful assembly. The protesters of different opinions should be careful of conflicts, comply with the laws and respect the rights of others. As for state officials, they must perform duties with utmost carefulness in maintaining public order and in accordance with international standards. The general public must have tolerance and respect different opinions which are values of a democratic and multicultural society allowing all different parties to peacefully coexist. In addition, during the COVID-19 pandemic, protesters should follow the government’s preventive guidance.
                “According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to which Thailand is party, children who are capable of forming their own views have the right to express those views freely in  matters affecting them and their views must be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the children. Nevertheless, the exercise of this right must respect the rights and reputation of others as well.” Mr. What said.
            “Concerning the news on the persons who publicly argued over the so-called “Ending the Youth’s Future Project” targeting the youths whom they regarded as defaming or insulting the monarchy institution by sending their names to private companies, government agencies, and educational institutions to restrict their employment or access to education and scholarship, and also alluded to the roles and duties of the NHRCT, it should be noted that any person or organization witnessing an act or omission of an act that is considered a human rights violation can submit the case to the NHRCT for further examination, instead of accusing each other through the media.
            The NHRCT and the Office of the NHRCT are always alert to the precarious situations of human rights violation. In the case where an act constitutes a criminal offense, the injured person can proceed in accordance with the criminal justice process, which is a normal mechanism to solve the problem. However, when an act constitutes a violation of other person's human rights and the said mechanism neglected its duties, the NHRCT is then entitled to conduct an examination and render recommendation. In the case where an act of human rights violation constitutes a criminal offense and the injured person is not in a position to submit a petition or report such violation on his or her own, the NHRCT will be legally empowered to submit the petition or report such violation as the injured person," the NHRCT's Chairperson said in the end


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