The NHRCT urgently coordinated with local authorities to protect human rights defenders “Khao Lao Yai - Pha Chandai Community Forest Conservation Group”, sending team to visit the area to monitor the situation and to meet authorities concerned

24/09/2020 816

            In the evening of 23 September 2020, the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) received a letter from Protection International urgently requesting the NHRCT to coordinate with relevant agencies to help protect Mr. Lertsak Kamkongsak, Advisor of the Public Policy Advocate Related to Mineral Resources Project, and local community leaders and people of “Khao Lao Yai - Pha Chandai Community Forest Conservation Group” who have campaigned against the renewal of the mining license at Dong Mafai Subdistrict, Suwanakuha District, Nong Bua Lam Phu Province.
          On 24 September 2020, Mrs. Prakairatana Thontiravong, National Human Rights Commissioner, Acting the NHRCT Chairperson, revealed that soon after receiving the letter, the executive staff of the Office of the NHRCT was assigned to urgently coordinate with the authorities for their protection. Initially, Police Major General Somprasong Pimpila, the Commander of the Nong Bua Lam Phu Provincial Police, was contacted and requested to actively care for local people’s safety including Mr. Lertsak Kamkongsak, and he later confirmed that police officers were sent for their protection.
          Mrs. Prakairatana Thontiravong also said that on 24 September 2020, she met and discussed the situation with the Director-General of the Rights and Liberties Protection Department, Ministry of Justice, particularly the safety protection measures for Mr. Lertsak Kamkongsak and local people. In addition, the NHRCT issued a letter to the Governor of Nong Bua Lam Phu Province requesting to protect safety and security of human rights defenders and local people in this case. This is also to ensure that people whose community right was affected can exercise the right to freedom of assembly as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 (2017). The NHRCT staff members who now visited the area will observe the public assembly and monitor the situation of the closure of the stone mill since its license will expire on 25 September 2020. The NHRCT will continue to closely follow up the problem to be resolved by related agencies, Mrs. Prakairat finally said.


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