condemning the violation of humanitarian principles and calling for respect of the Red Cross emblem, medical facilities, allowing medical personnel to perform their duties and observing the rights of the ill and wounded in the southern border provinces of Thailand

14/03/2016 837

Statement of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) condemning the violation of humanitarian principles and calling for respect of the Red Cross emblem, medical facilities, allowing medical personnel to perform
their duties and observing the rights of the ill and wounded in the southern border provinces of Thailand

               The NHRCT is extremely concerned over the ongoing violence in the southern border provinces and has been monitoring the situation from the outset. Of particular concern is the use of war weapons against innocent people and the cruel and inhumane acts. These incidents have not only caused loss of life and injuries to innocent people but also misery to those who witness such events and the public at large.

               Many violent incidents were reported on 13 March 2016 in the area of Joh Airong District, Narathiwat Province. Our main concern is especially on the seizure of the hospital and the threats to Joh Airong Hospital staff including the use of the hospital’s premises as the stronghold to attack a nearby Thai government security post.       
               The NHRCT has a responsibility to promote respect and compliance with human rights norms and to protect the right to life and body, which cannot be violated. The NHRCT condemns and considers this act as a violation against humanitarian principles which is universally recognized. Even at war, all parties must respect the Red Cross emblem which is a universal symbol with its mission to render medical and humanitarian assistance without discrimination. According to the Geneva Convention (1949), the medical personnel should be able to perform their duties without any obstacle and those who are not involved in the situation or cannot protect themselves such as children, patients, the wounded as well as medical facilities and medical personnel should be given protection. In this instance, medical personnel were prevented from giving their adequate attention to their patients and felt insecure and frightened while performing their duties. People’s right to medical treatment was also severely violated.

               The NHRCT, therefore would like to recommend that all parties concerned should take the following actions:

               1. Those who have abused human rights and committed violent and inhuman acts must immediately stop the said acts. We also request that the public and state officials help prevent the similar situation from happening again in the future. The Red Cross emblem, medical facilities, humanitarian acts by medical personnel and rights of patients and wounded should be protected and respected. The NHRCT would like to ask all parties concerned to consider public interest and cease activities which hinder the treatment of patients and wounded in the medical facilities or at the scene of violation.   

               2. The government should find appropriate measures to ensure the safety of innocent people who should be protected by the state authorities in order to have confidence and security in their life and properties. This should be done by building up cooperation with the people to create a violence prevention mechanism.

               3. The government and relevant agencies must expedite the process to bring the  wrongdoers to justice in accordance with the law. Any prompt and fair assistance, as well as mental rehabilitation programs should be provided to those who were affected by the incident including their family members.  

               The NHRCT would like to give its encouragement to the medical personnel, authorities and people in the area and commend them on their patience and tolerance for not using any violent retaliation at the scene. The NHRCT will continue to monitor and follow the actions of relevant agencies in assisting the victims in accordance with the relevant rules. We will also continue to investigate the incident in detail and assist in the remedies procedures for the victims.

 National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
14 March 2016


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