NHRCT WorkView : 245 Statement of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand National Human Rights Commission condemning the indiscriminate bombing attack at Bo Thong market in Pattani Province

28/05/2019 1152

Statement of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
National Human Rights Commission condemning the indiscriminate bombing attack at
Bo Thong market in Pattani Province

          28 May 2019, the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) issued a statement strongly condemning the indiscriminate bombing attack in the evening of 27 May 2019 at Bo Thong market in Nong Chick District of Pattani Province, killing a child and a woman and injuring 23 other innocent people. The NHRCT urged all parties to respect human dignity, rights and freedom of people with recommendations as follows:
          1. Urging all parties in society to condemn those who committed indiscriminate attack which is cruel and inhumane as it contradicts moral principles of all religions and faiths, creating fear and hatred among people in the area.
          2. Supporting relevant governmental agencies to bring the perpetrator(s) to justice soonest, and to give appropriate and thorough remedies to all victims and their families.
          3. Calling for relevant governmental agencies to enhance and tighten security measures during the Ramadon Islamic holy month, especially in public space where children, women and elderly people are vulnerable. The NHRCT also suggests that local people may be brought in to participate in surveillance of potential violent incidents during the period.
          4. Urging the government to monitor and supervise all relevant agencies to rigorously perform their duties to protect public safety.


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