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Miss Supatra Nacapew

National Human Rights Commissioner of Thailand

     Bachelor of Laws Thammasat University
     Advanced Certificate Course in Politics and Governance in Democratic Systems for Executives (Generation 19) King Prajadhipok’s Institute


     Member of the National Reform Council on Public health and Environment
     Constitution Drafting Committee
     Policy Committee, Thailand Consumer Council
     Chair-person of sub-committee on the Health service, Thailand Consumer Council
     Committee on National Committee for Quality Control and Public Health service Standards under the National Health Security Act
     Chair-person of the Subcommittee on Promotion and Protection of AIDS Rights under National AIDS Committee
     Expert Committee on Child and Adolescent Rights under Adolescent pregnancy prevention and treatment committee
     Sub-committee on Justice Right, National Human Rights Commitsion
     Expert Committee in National AIDS Committee
     Chair-person, Thai NGO Coalition on AIDS (TNCA)
     Sub-committee on Settlement of Offenses under the Telecommunications business Act, NBTC
     Human Rights Committee, Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage
     Nomination Committee for National Human Rights Commission set 1
     Head of Women Rights protection center, Friend of women Foundation
     Executive Director of Foundation for AIDS Rights
     Ashoka Fellow of Thailand 2004 (Human Rights field), Ashoka U.S.A

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