On condemn the exercise of weapons especially weapons of war to act violence against innocent groups inhumanely as severe violations of human rights

24/02/2014 1175

Statement of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
On condemn the exercise of weapons especially weapons of war to act violence against
innocent groups inhumanely as severe violations of human rights

According to mass political protests led by People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), the protests have resulted two violent incidents at protest areas of Kao Saming district, Trat province and Ratchaprasong Intersection, Bangkok. The first incident occurred on 22 February 2014 at approximately 21.00 P.M. at Kao Saming district, Trat was that agitators used bombs and weapons of war, thus causing the total of 35 injured people and one 5-year-old girl died. The later incident occurred on 23 February 2014 at Ratchaprasong Intersection, Bangkok was that the total of 21 injured people and 3 people, two of them were 4 year-old and 6 year-old children, died from bombs. These two situations were considered as the most severe situations of human rights violations.

National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT) has condemned such two situations as cruel and inhuman acts by the agitators which were violations of human rights and humanitarian principles. NHRCT also would like to express to our condolences to persons who lose their friends and families in such violent situations occurred. If such situations have still continued, it is expected to be violent due to an increasing disharmony to Thai society which is too difficult to heal and not desired by all Thai people.

NHRCT, which has roles and duties in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550(2007) to promote the respect and comply with human rights principles in order to maintain peaceful situations in the country, has called on all sectors to consider and take appropriate actions as follows:

1. The agitators who act violence against the child and people have to end all actions of human rights violations immediately because such actions are considered as human rights violation as well as illegal actions against humanitarian principles.

2. The Royal Thai Police has to accelerate its investigations into the perpetrators of violent situations that occurred, which result in loss of life and properties and injury, and also need to take actions against them through legal punishment. Meanwhile, the Royal Thai Police has to report those happening facts together with periodical investigation progress of such situations to the public promptly because several situations are not yet reported their investigation progress.

3. Protest organizers and police officers have to cooperate in setting up maintenance systems of peace and public order in protest areas together with various measures in monitoring and deterrence of the ill-willed persons causing violence in protest areas.

4. The Government and the Royal Thai Police have to seriously carry out investigations, arrest and information seeking on the uses of weapons of wars, either guns or grenades, because offenders are not afraid of laws and commit against the innocent people who do not have weapons, thus resulting in severe human rights violations which are considered as violation of rule of law together with not in accordance with acceptable international humanitarian principles.

5. The Government has to provide medical care to the wounded, remedies to the injured and the death from violent situation occurred in accordance with standard guideline of humanitarian principles by ensuring fairness and remedy to all parties in terms of money compensation, rehabilitation, other aids, mental remedy without discrimination.

All these, NHRCT shall monitor the situations closely to provide the respect of rights among the protesters, and also has expected all sectors to implement measures of uses of peaceful means to build-up common understanding and to monitor, suppress, solve and take precaution of all harm and danger which affect life, body and property in order to further bring the peace of the country.

 National Human Rights Commission of Thailand
24 February 2014


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