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Background of the Fourth NHRC (Current Commission)

                    Seven Commissioners of the fourth NHRCT have been named and appointed under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 in conjunction with the Organic Act on Human Rights Commission, consisting of one Chairperson and six other Commissioners. The King has appointed them per the advice of the Senate. They will hold office for seven years from the date of their appointment and for only one term.

                    In this regard, the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 [2017] and the Organic Law on Human Rights Commission B.E. 2560 [2017] have established the status and source of the the NHRCT differently from the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2550 [2007] in the following major issues.

                    1. The NHRCT has a status of an independent entity under Part 6 National Human Rights Commission of Thailand in Chapter 12 Independent Entities of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 [2017].

                    2. The Selection Committee consists of 11 people, namely:

                    (1) Chief Justice

                    (2) Speaker of the House and Leader of the Opposition

                    (3) President of the Supreme Administrative Court

                    (4) Three representatives of private organizations who are chosen among themselves from one representative per organization

                    (5) One representative of the Lawyers Council, one representative of medical and public health councils who is chosen among themselves and one representative of the council of the mass media profession

                    (6) One full-time instructor or former instructor in higher education institutions who has taught or researched or worked on human rights for at least 10 years, who has been elected by two-thirds of voting members of Selection Committee from (1) - (5)

                    3. Seven Commissioners shall be selected and appointed by one to two political neutralists per following qualification who have had apparent knowledge and experience in protecting the rights and liberties of the people for at least ten years.

                    (1) Experience in continuous human rights work

                    (2) Knowledge to teach or conduct research on human rights at the higher education level

                    (3) Knowledge of domestic and international laws on human rights so as to be helpful in the performance of the NHRCT

                    (4) Knowledge and experience in public sector management with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights

                    (5) Evident knowledge and experience in philosophy, culture, tradition and Thai ways of living for the benefit of promoting and protecting human rights.

                    In this regard, Section 13 (3) of the Organic Law on Human Rights Commission B.E. 2560 [2017] establishes a key process for recruiting persons suitable to be appointed as Commissioners; that is, the Selection Committee shall discuss to select those who are highly responsible, have the courage to do the job, have ethical behaviors that set good examples for society, have the right mindset toward getting things done as well as take the participation of women and men into acount and promote plural society.                    

                    Seven commissioners of the fourth NHRCT compose:

                    1. Miss Pornprapai Ganjanarintr                    Chairperson
                    Knowledgeable and experienced in public sector management with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights

                    2. Mrs. Preeda Kongpaen                             Commissioner
                    Experienced in continuous human rights work

                    3. Asst.Prof. Suchart Setthamalinee               Commissioner
                    Knowledgeable of teaching or conducting research on human rights at the higher education level

                    4. Miss Sayamol Kaiyoorawong                     Commissioner
                    Knowledgeable of domestic and international laws on human rights so as to be helpful in the performance of the Commission

                    5. Miss Pitikan Sithidej                                 Commissioner
                    Knowledgeable and experienced in public sector management with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights

                    6. Mr. Wasan Paileeklee                               Commissioner
                    Evidently knowledgeable and experienced in philosophy, culture, tradition and lifestyle of Thailand for the benefit of promoting and protecting human rights

                    7.  Miss Supatra Nacapew                            Commissioner
                    Experienced in continuous human rights work

                    The order from  1 to 6 were appointed by the Royal Command on May 25, B.E. 2564 [2021] and the 7 th order was appointed by the Royal Command on July 18, B.E. 2565 [2022].

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